
Building, Demolition & Change of use Permits

  • Building permits are required for most construction activity, including construction or placement of new buildings on a property, building renovations, installation of outdoor furnaces, etc., as well as for demolition of a structure. Contact our Chief Building Official, Henry Van Ael, to inquire whether your project requires a building permit.
  • All building activity within the Township is governed by the Ontario Building Code Act, 1992, as amended, and related regulations. In addition, buildings and property use is regulated by the Township’s Official Plan and Zoning By-Law.
  • Permit fees are based on construction costs according to a formula based on square footage and will be calculated by CBO following submission of your application.

Rule of Thumb: If you’re in doubt about whether you need a building permit for a project, give Henry a call.

  • Yes, you do need to obtain a demolition permit before taking down a building or structure.
  • A permit for a change of use is required to change the use of any building to residential.
  • It’s much easier to make the call than to pay a fine of minimum $200 or 10% of the building’s construction value for building, demolishing or changing a use without a permit.

Click this link to download a Building Permit Application Form: Application for Permit to Construct or Demolish Building

Chief Building Official (CBO) Contact Information:

Henry Van Ael, CBCO, Chief Building Official and Building Inspector
Cell: 276-0473

Alberton Municipal Office
Phone: 807-274-6053
Fax: 807-274-8449

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