


Fire Chief:  James Woods
Deputy Chief:  (vacant)
Membership: 17 volunteers, new recruits appointed as approved during the year
Equipment: Tanker truck, pumper truck, rescue van and auto extrication equipment
Participates in Mutual Aid and Automatic Aid with other municipal fire departments in the Rainy River District



You can read the Letter of Understanding between Alberton and Fort Frances here:  Vicious Dog Response Service – Letter of Understanding

Dog Bites & Attacks: What To Do

If you have been bitten or attacked by a dog in the Township, you must report the bite or attack to the Alberton Township Office at (274-6053) during regular business hours (Monday to Friday 9 :00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., closed holidays) or after hours to the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP)  as soon as possible.

Do not call Fort Frances By-Law Enforcement Directly:  Response service under the Letter of Understanding between the Township of Alberton and the Town of Fort Frances requires that service must be initiated through the Alberton Township Office or OPP.

In the event that the victim is transported to the hospital, the bite or attack should be reported to the Northwestern Health Unit and to the Township Office or OPP as soon as possible after treatment is complete.

If a dog bites or attacks you and breaks the skin:

  • Seek medical attention (call 911 if serious).
  • Obtain the dog owner’s name and address.
  • Obtain information about anyone who witnessed the bite.
  • Immediately wash the bite or wound with soap and water for at least 15 minutes.
  • Apply an antiseptic to the wound, if available.
  • Take a clear photo of the bite injury – document the date and time of the photo.
  • As soon as practical in your own handwriting, make clear concise notes on the date, time and location where the bite occurred, what happened, and a clear description of the dog.

If a dog attacks or menaces you, but does not break the skin:

It is not necessary to contact the Northwestern Health Unit. However, the dog may still have committed a dangerous act, defined as any bite, attack, act of menacing behaviour or combination of the above. Call the By-Law Enforcement Office or OPP and provide:

  • a clear description of dog (if possible)
  • dog owner’s name and address
  • date, time and location where the incident occurred
  • witness information, if possible

If your pet has been bitten or attacked by a dog, report the bite or attack to the Township Office or OPP as soon as possible.

If you are the owner of a dog that has bitten:

  • Leash your dog and isolate it from causing further threats.
  • Provide your contact information to the person who was bitten.
  • Make clear, concise notes of the incident in your own handwriting.
  • If the person’s skin has been broken, isolate your dog until contacted by Public Health.
  • If necessary, consult an expert about your dog’s behaviour.

If your pet has been bitten or attacked by a dog, report the bite or attack to the Township Office or to the OPP as soon as possible.

Dog Bites & Attacks:

What the By-Law Enforcement Office Will Do

Depending on the details of the incident, the By-Law Enforcement Officer responding under the Letter of Understanding between the Township of Alberton and the Town of Fort Frances, OPP, Northwestern Health Unit and/or Hospital may:

  • initiate an investigation within as soon as possible
  • assist the healthcare provider in assessing the level of risk associated with the exposure
  • provide rabies vaccine upon request of the healthcare provider
  • confine the dog for a 10-day observation period, usually at home with their owner
  • ensure the dog is up to date for their rabies vaccination, which is required by law in Ontario

Once the By-Law Enforcement Office receives information from the Alberton Township Office about a dog that has committed a vicious act, the following process is followed:

  • If the dog is still on the loose, an officer will respond immediately.
  • If the dog is with the owner and under control, an officer will respond as soon as possible and begin an investigation.
  • By-Law Enforcement will walk you through the process after you’ve had a negative encounter with a dog. An officer will:
  • investigate the incident
  • interview the victim
  • request the victim and any witness prepare a written statement detailing the incident
  • request medical documentation (if applicable)
  • take photographs
  • any other evidence pertaining to the incident.

The officer will consolidate all evidence as part of the investigation.

If it’s determined that the dog committed a vicious act, one of the following actions will be taken:

  • A written warning will be issued when the vicious act is the first on record with the Town and the dangerous act is not found to be severe.
  • A vicious dog order will be issued when the vicious act is found to be severe or was the second or subsequent vicious act on record with the Town.

When the vicious act is the first on record with the Township, an officer will examine all of the circumstances of the specific vicious act when determining if the vicious act is severe. In assessing the circumstances, the officer may consider factors such as:

  • The extent of the bite (i.e. single wound vs multiple wounds)
  • The extent of the attack injury (i.e. bruising vs fracture)
  • The extent of the act of menacing behavior

An officer may give different weight to each of these factors depending on the circumstances and may consider other factors as relevant. An officer will conduct an investigation and review all of the evidence in coming to a decision on severity.

A vicious dog order will include requirements for an owner to comply with, including muzzling the dog, registering the dog as a vicious dog and other restrictions that may be deemed appropriate by the officer.

During an investigation into a vicious act, an officer will consider whether the dog was acting in self-defence at the time of the vicious act. If the officer determines the dog was acting in self-defence, the officer may determine that the dog is not a vicious dog.

When determining if a dog was acting in self-defence, the officer will consider whether:

  • the dog was defending itself from a bite or attack
  • the severity of the injury was necessary for the dog defending itself from a bite or attack
  • the victim was committing a criminal act on the premises of the owner and incurred injuries as a result of being bitten or attacked

Dog Owner’s Liability Act (DOLA)

The Province of Ontario’s Dog Owners’ Liability Act (DOLA) is a piece of legislation in relation to dogs, including pit bulls, intended to increase public safety.  If a dog owner is found guilty of an offence under DOLA, a court could issue a control order, fine or a destruction order for the dog.  You can read the DOLA here.

(Information courtesy of and thanks to Town of Fort Frances)


Effective September 1, 2015, the Township entered into an agreement with the Fort Frances Public Library Board for library services for all Alberton residents and property owners. There is no fee payable for this service but proof of residency or property ownership in Alberton is required to be provided to library staff upon applying for a library membership. The Alberton Library Reimbursements Program which was in place prior to the agreement has been terminated.

The FFPLTC offers both regular library services plus so much more, including online access to books and regular events like movie showings and room rentals. Access FFPLTC’s website.

Waste collection services are not provided by the Township; however, private weekly collection service can be arranged directly with GFL Enviromental Inc. Alberton residents are permitted to dispose of their waste directly at the Fort Frances Landfill Site under an agreement with Fort Frances – check the Town of Fort Frances’ website for current tipping fees.

Local detachments located in Emo, Fort Frances and Rainy River
Fort Frances Detachment office phone (9-5 weekdays): 807-274-3322

24 hour land ambulance service is provided 7 days a week by qualified paramedics through RRDSSAB / Riverside Health Care Facilities, Inc. Call 911 for assistance.

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