
 Accessibility Plan

 Click a link below to access either the Word or PDF version of the Township’s  Accessibility Plan If you have any comments or suggestions on the Plan, or on accessibility in the Township, please do not hesitate to contact us.   

Accessibility Standards for Customer Service

Accessibility Policies

The Township of Alberton has updated its Accessibility Policy as required under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA). The Township will provide documents in alternate format when requested. To request a document in an alternate format, please contact the Township Office at (807) 274-6053 or by email at

The Township welcomes feedback on our Accessibility Policy and services, as well as to ensure our municipal locations and services are accessible to everyone.  Feedback is accepted in multiple formats, including by phone, email or mail, in person (subject to COVID-19 protocols) or by completing the feedback form below. If you require the form in a different format, please contact the Alberton Municipal Office.

Please print off the Accessible Customer Service Feedback Form, fill it out and drop it off at the Alberton Municipal Office, or mail or email it to us to let us know how we have done!   A copy of the form can also be obtained directly from the Alberton Municipal Office – just call or email us to obtain a copy.

Integrated Accessibility Standards Policy 2020

Individual Accommodation Policy 2015

Accessible Customer Service Policy 2009

Summary of Primary Steps taken to address Barriers:




  • Electronic participation in public meetings is available as an attendance option. Please call the office for details. Virtual attendance is available to the public in addition to members of Council and staff, subject to MFIPPA and portions of meetings which are permitted to be closed under Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, and subject to electronic security protocols in place for joining a meeting.
  • Accessibility is taken into consideration during the planning stages of all Township projects, including those relating to grounds improvements.
  • Payment options have been enhanced to allow property owners and other persons to submit electronic payments.
  • Online fillable forms project underway to improve accessibility and ease of use.
  • Accessibility is taken into consideration in all capital improvements.


  • Staff and Council members have taken accessibility training.
  • Accessibility issues are to be considered and addressed when building renovations occur.
  • Accessibility is taken into consideration in all capital improvements.



  • The rink shack at the Millennium Park was renovated to improve accessibility to the building and to convert the washroom to an accessible washroom.


  • The Township website update was completed in December, 2020 with ongoing updates and improvements, and all information posted is in an accessible format.


  • Sidewalk was installed at Millennium Park to provide a solid, flat surface to support ease of access between the playground equipment, picnic and seating areas, the pavilion and the new fire pit.
  • Electronic participation in public meetings commenced in April, 2020, first as part of pandemic response, then on an ongoing basis as permitted by amendments to the Municipal Act, 2001.
  • Update of the Township website, with a specific purpose of ensuring that it is accessible, commenced in fall of 2020.
  • A funding application for the purpose of renovation of the rink shack to support COVID-19 issues also addressed accessibility.


  • Fire Hall washrooms were updated/installed in 2019 and are accessible.


Online Accessibility Training:

Accessibility training can be accessed here at no cost:   At the end of the training session, complete, print out and sign the certificate the site generates.

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