Evacuation Plan
The Township’s Evacuation Plan is set out below. It is expected that the plan will be refined over the next six to eight months.
Part 1 – Emergency Evacuation Plan
1. Introduction
There are two types of evacuations, Precautionary and Mandatory Evacuation:
Precautionary Evacuation occurs when it is recommended to evacuate within a certain perimeter usually a building or a block until the initial situation in contained.
Mandatory Evacuation takes place when it is determined by the Emergency Control Group that there is an absolute need to evacuate an area, usually on a large-scale, possibly for a long period of time (i.e. for more than 24 hours).
For the purpose of this Evacuation Plan, the definition that shall set the plan, or part of this plan, in motion shall be Mandatory Evacuation.
Evacuation may result in a tremendous psychological effect on those persons directly affected. Adequate communication with the people involved is essential and shall include explaining that an evacuation is pending, what they shall be required to do and when they shall be required to react if an evacuation is issued. The economic effect of closing down industry for even a short period of time is enormous and can be measured in the millions of dollars in lost revenue. A decision to evacuate should only be made when absolutely necessary.
First response services alone cannot be expected to deal with a large-scale evacuation and relocation of residents. An effective response will require participation and cooperation between municipal services, industry, and volunteer services as outlined in the Township of Alberton Emergency Plan and this Plan.
2. Potential Community Hazards which may Necessitate Evacuation
The following events – which list is not exhaustive and which events are not listed in any particular order of risk – are considered potential community hazards within the Township of Alberton and surrounding areas which may require mandatory evacuation:
- severe windstorm, tornado;
- road, highway or rail incident involving dangerous goods spill, fire and/or explosion;
- snow/ice storm with power outage;
- heavy rain, flooding;
- rupture of vessel or piping containing propane, natural gas or other volatile materials under pressure; and
- forest fire.
3. Objective
The objective of this Evacuation Plan is to provide a vehicle through which a timely and effective evacuation and reception of people can be achieved.
4. Steps for Activation of the Township of Alberton Evacuation Plan
This Plan will be activated as soon as it becomes apparent that, due to an emergency of such magnitude as to warrant its implementation, evacuation and relocation of people is necessary.
Should a major incident occur in the Township of Alberton, a member of the Emergency Control Group, on the advice of the first response agency, will activate the Township of Alberton Emergency Plan. This member of the ECG will activate the notification procedure set out in Annex “A” to the Township of Alberton Emergency Plan so members of the ECG are alerted and instructed to report to the Emergency Operations Centre.
If the need to evacuate and relocate residents of the affected area(s) is apparent, the provisions of the Township of Alberton Evacuation Plan shall be implemented. In such events, the Reeve shall declare a state of emergency before a mandatory evacuation is carried out.
The Alberton Volunteer Fire Department will have the primary responsibility for implementation of an evacuation consistent with their operating procedures. All other services and agencies will be prepared to support evacuation activities.
The exception to the above is where an evacuation site is under the management of a department other than fire service, (ie. ruptured gas line or toxic spill due to train derailment). In this instance, the Emergency Site Manager has the responsibility for the evacuation of people within the danger area.
Steps for Activation of the Township of Alberton Evacuation Plan
Step 1: Incident Occurs
Step 2: Emergency Services Respond
Step 3: Situation Assessed
Step 4: Precautionary Evacuation Ordered by Emergency Services
Step 5: Emergency Plan Activation Required
Step 6: Follow Internal Procedures
Step 7: Request Aid from Support Groups
Step 8: Situation Escalates?
If yes, return to Step 5
Step 6: Emergency Control Group
Step 7: Assess Need for Mandatory
Step 8: Activate Township of Alberton Evacuation Plan as Required
5. Evacuation Operations – Emergency Control Group Responsibilities
Once the decision has been made to evacuate an area of the Township of Alberton, the Emergency Control Group shall determine the following:
- boundaries of area to be evacuated;
- main evacuation route(s) to be used, and identify necessary traffic control points;
- assembly areas to be used;
- location of facilities within the evacuation area to be notified, and how notification will be carried out;
- time of the evacuation start, and if necessary, who will be evacuated first (stages of evacuation).
and shall proceed with the following:
- alert of the evacuation order to all concerned including the Province of Ontario through Emergency Management Ontario;
- preparation of media release for immediate broadcast to the public;
- activate fan-out notification system for affected residents;
- if necessary, appointment of a Emergency Site Manager to direct the evacuation and relocation.
6. Evacuee Registration and Temporary Shelters
If the evacuation of any residents of the Township of Alberton is necessary, the following locations will be used as Registration Areas and temporary shelters:
- Township of Alberton – Victory Baptist Church;
- West – Township of LaVallee – Community Hall;
- East – Town of Fort Frances – facility as directed by Fort Frances CEMC.
From the Registration Areas, residents will be directed to appropriate facilities, shelters, etc.
The residents of the Township of Alberton who have been relocated to temporary shelters will require a wide range of support services. The Rainy River District Social Services Administration Board has the primary responsibility for the provision of all such services, with the assistance of volunteer agencies such as the Canadian Red Cross, St. John Ambulance and the Salvation Army.
7. School Board Responsibilities During Evacuation
Since Alberton Central School has been closed, evacuation of Alberton students who attend schools in Fort Frances is governed by the emergency plans and policies of the applicable school board and the Town of Fort Frances.
8. Essential Services
Designated essential municipal and, in some cases, industrial facilities cannot be fully evacuated and minimal staff must remain on the job. If there are other essential services within the community that cannot be left unattended, these positions will be rotated as often as feasible and will be abandoned only under immediate life-threatening circumstances. Essential positions would be those associated with traffic, hydro, telephone, and emergency services.
9. Request for Assistance from the Province
When an emergency evacuation order is in effect, the Reeve of the Township of Alberton, with the advice of the Emergency Control Group, may request assistance from the Provincial Government through Emergency Management Ontario by calling its 24/7 line: 1-866-314-0472.
10. Testing of Evacuation Plan
This Plan shall be the object of occasional testing in order to verify its overall effectiveness and provide training to the Emergency Control Group and Support Groups. The test can take the form of a simple paper exercise or a more elaborate functional exercise. Revisions to this plan should incorporate recommendations stemming from all such exercises.
11. Public Education and Awareness of Evacuation Procedures
Since public awareness of evacuation procedures will contribute to an effective evacuation process, ongoing public awareness and education shall be an integral component of this plan. To this end, this evacuation plan shall posted on the Alberton Municipal website (www.alberton.ca) in order that the public may have unconstrained access to it, and printed information shall be provided to residents.
During an emergency evacuation, residents are to be advised to listen to the local radio station (B93 FM) for information and instructions. Residents are to be requested to refrain from nonessential telephone use during an emergency evacuation in order to keep telephone communication services available and open for emergency purposes, including emergency calls made through a fan-out system. The use of Citzens Band Radios by citizens will be encouraged to minimize impact on the telephone communications system.
Part 2 – Emergency Control Group Duties and Responsibilities
The following actions/decisions – which may have to be considered and dealt with by the Emergency Control Group in the event of an evacuation – are authorized in the Township of Alberton Emergency Plan and are listed here for ease of reference.
1. Collective Responsibilities of the Emergency Control Group
In addition to the responsibilities set out under Part 1 (Section 5) of this Plan, the Emergency Control Group is collectively responsible for the following with regard to the Evacuation Plan:
- advising the Reeve as to whether the declaration of an emergency and a mandatory evacuation is recommended;
- appointing an Evacuation Site Manager as and when deemed necessary;
- identifying the main evacuation routes;
- arranging for services and equipment from neighbouring municipalities, private contractors, volunteer agencies and service clubs – including Support Groups listed under Section 6 of the Township of Alberton Emergency Plan – as required;
- arranging for police or other personnel at assembly areas and reception centres as required and when possible;
- deciding to evacuate the buildings or sections within an emergency area which are themselves considered to be dangerous or in which the occupants are considered to be in danger from some other source;
- during the emergency/evacuation, authorizing extraordinary municipal expenditures as required;
- arranging for accommodation and well-being, on a temporary basis, of any residents who are in the need of assistance due to displacement as a result of the emergency;
- determining if additional transportation is required for evacuation or transport of persons and/or supplies;
- ensuring that pertinent information regarding the emergency is promptly forwarded to the Public Information Officer for dissemination to the media and to the public;
- establishing an Information Centre to handle individual requests for information concerning any aspect of the emergency;
- advising the Reeve of when and why to terminate an emergency / evacuation order;
- plan for orderly return of population after the need for evacuation has ended.
2. Individual Responsibilities of the Emergency Control Group
2.1 Members of Council
It is the responsibility of every member of Council to become thoroughly familiar with the Township of Alberton Emergency Plan and the Evacuation Plan in order to be ready to act as designate to the Reeve or Deputy Reeve or to assist as requested by the Emergency Control Group.
2.2 Reeve
The Reeve or his/her designate will perform the duties and responsibilities described in the emergency plan and, in particular, with regard to the evacuation plan:
- declaring an emergency;
- on the advice of the Emergency Control Group, officially declaring mandatory evacuation;
- declaring that an emergency/evacuation order is in existence in accordance with the By-Law and announcing it via the Public Information Officer, (see the Township of Alberton Emergency Plan for details);
- confirming the release of information to the news media and the general public on evacuation procedures;
- terminating the emergency/evacuation order at the appropriate time and ensuring all agencies/services/departments concerned have been notified;
- acting as spokesperson for the Township of Alberton during the duration of the emergency / evacuation;
- execute other actions as outlined by the Township of Alberton Emergency Plan.
2.2 CEMC:
The CEMC or designate will perform the duties and responsibilities described in the Township of Alberton Emergency Plan.
2.4 Clerk – Treasurer/CAO:
The Clerk – Treasurer or his/her designate will perform the duties and responsibilities described in the Township of Alberton Emergency Plan and in particular with regards to the evacuation plan:
- be responsible for media arrangements and manage the preparation and issue of press releases and public announcements with the Public Information Officer;
- execute other actions as outlined by the Township of Alberton Emergency Plan.
- liaising with the surrounding municipal elected officials in the event that the emergency will have an affect on surrounding municipalities;
- shall coordinate the ongoing public awareness and education program regarding emergency evacuation
- execute other actions as outlined by the Township of Alberton Emergency Plan.
2.5 VFD Fire Chief
The VFD Fire Chief or his designate shall perform the duties and responsibilities described in the Township of Alberton Emergency Plan and in particular with regard to the evacuation plan:
- assume the lead in evacuation planning within the Emergency Operations Centre;
- enlist the assistance of other agencies and/or volunteers to assist in the evacuation process;
- determine where police or other personnel are needed and where barricades can be used;
- liaise with the Public Information Officer to ensure appropriate information is being released to the public;
- execute other actions as outlined by the Township of Alberton Emergency Plan.
2.6 Ontario Provincial Police
The OPP representative shall perform the duties and responsibilities described in the Township of Alberton Emergency Plan, and in particular, with regard to the evacuation plan:
- assist in the evacuation of buildings as required and when possible;
- assist in evacuation of buildings where special equipment available to the OPP is required;
- provide security for evacuated areas and guard against unauthorized re-entry;
- execute other actions as outlined by the Township of Alberton Emergency Plan.
2.7 Road Superintendent
The Road Superintendent or his designate shall perform duties and responsibilities described in the Township of Alberton Emergency Plan, and in particular, with regard to the evacuation plan:
- provide barricades and flashers at the request of the Alberton Volunteer Fire Department or the OPP;
- liaise with the OPP to assist in regulating traffic flows by providing road signs, clearing emergency routes, etc;
- advise on alternate traffic routes and establish detours during the emergency/evacuation;
- arrange for other personnel and equipment requested by the ECG in support of evacuation and relocation;
- arrange for transportation (i.e. buses, vans, trucks, etc.) as required and when possible;
- execute other actions as outlined by the Township of Alberton Emergency Plan.
2.8 Public Information Officer
- The Public Information Officer or his/her designate shall perform duties and responsibilities described in the Township of Alberton Emergency Plan, and in particular, with regard to the evacuation plan:
- establish the Media Centre under the direction of the Emergency Control Group for the preparation and release of all news bulletins;
- advise the media and the public on the location of reception centres and assembly areas;
- execute other actions as outlined in the township of Alberton Emergency Plan.